Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pants on the wall?

We FINALLY bought some paint to paint some of the rooms in the house.  We went with "Universal Khaki" by Sherwin Williams for the den.  I wanted a tan that had a green undertone....not yellow, not pink.  Of course, now that we've painted the walls this color, all I can think of is Khaki pants!!!  ha ha  It seriously looks like a pair of khaki paints...not a big deal...but khaki pants also remind me of every job I've ever had!  Should have gone with "Ocean Blue" or "Sandy Tan" for a nice relaxing color?!?!  It does resemble puke in a way though good memories there either. ha ha!  It does warm the room up and I do like it...just not sure I want to use it for the rest of the house (kitchen/living room/dining room).
We used some of our old leftover paint (from our condo),"Brown Tepee", in the downstairs bathroom. 
It was actually kind of fun painting.  We got pizza and beer and turned up the music!  It's always fun to make a house a HOME...and to get a paint high/buzz. ;) kidding!!! 

The Den/Office/Guestroom:
We FINALLY hung our family pictures (courtesy of Two Ring Photography). 

Thank you, Jill!

Sometimes it looks green...

And sometimes it looks more tan!

The downstairs 1/2 bath:

To be continued...


Some pictures from Emmeline's world...

This is the loft turned play area.  Now I just need plugs for the outlets and a gate for the stairs and Emmeline can crawl and explore all she wants!

Cute dress courtesy of Grammie Rydecki

She LOVES Oreo.

I'd like to eventually get a little table and chairs...and I am going to paint the wall (parellel to the one shown) with chalkboard paint.  I also want to add some shelfing for books and her future artwork. :)

This was my cabage patch premie doll when I was little.

She can sit up so good now!  Such a big girl!

She loves all of her baby dolls.

It's official.  She looks AH-DORABLE in hats (thank you, Grandma Barbie).

Like the shirt says, "CUTIE"!

Just in case you aren't quite sure how cute she is, I took several more pictures of her... get the point...she's CUTE!

Emmeline's boyfriend, Keegan.  They love their new play area!

Birth Zone Babies!

$175.00 seemed like a lot of money to spend on a natural birthing class.  At the time, we thought that maybe we could learn just as much by reading the plethora of information out there in books or doing some research on the internet.  Boy am I glad that we decided to join the eastside Birth Zone class!  Not only did it prepare us (to some extent) for a natural birth, but we met some of the neatest people. At one of our classes, our instructor told us to look around the room at one another because she was sure that some of us would become best friends.  She had met her current best friend through taking her birth classes when she was pregnant with her daughter.  She said something like, "Look around, someone in this room may end up being your best friend."  I'll never forget all of us looking around at one another.  I remember thinking "yeah right, we'll probably never see these people again once this is over"... in fact, none of us really got close during the duration of those 6 weeks.  We didn't really have time to get to know one another!  We were too focused on learning about "poop ninjas", watching scary birth videos (I actually got a case of the giggles during one), making a uterus and "plug" out of a balloon and ping pong ball and learning ridiculously funny birthing positions and how to tolerate pain (with ice cubes and simulated contractions).  It really was a great class and our instructor had the best sense of humor!  We shared some giggles and talked openly about our hopes and fears (and I even remember giving one of the other moms, Marcy, a wide-eyed nervous look quite often during class-ha ha!).  However, it wasn't until after we all actually went through labor and had our babies that we got to know each other better.  We shared our birth stories via email and then decided to have a reunion...and the rest is history.  The first meeting went so well that we decided to get together once a month.  We rotate between houses and hope to do even more fun events and outings as the babies get older.  We are blessed to have a network of people to support us during this time in our lives.  We will definitely be lifelong friends.  Ha!...technically, we paid for these people to be our friends. ;)
Oren (and mommy Shereen) and Owen (and mommy Juliana) having a playdate with us at our house.

Our last baby reunion at Matt and Marcy's house (all babies are 6-7 months old)

Mmmm....Brunch!  Everyone brings a dish to pass...the food is always so good!

Martin wasn't going to let any obstacles get in his way.  He decided to crawl over Emmeline to get to a was so funny!

The baby band.

Martin, Keegan and Emmeline

The gang just hanging out while the babies played

Courtney and Oliver ("Ollie"). 

Martin, on the go!  He is crawling all over the place!
 Brigit and Martin

Owen, Charlotte, Oren and Oliver

Miss Charlotte.  She is the oldest.

Little Oren.  He is the youngest of the bunch.

My happy girl (not to mention CUTE)! :)

Can't wait until our next party!
 It is so awesome to see the babies learning and growing together.  What we've gained from that class has been priceless!

Rollin' with my homies...

This is a photo right after she rolled over (from tummy to back).  I was taking a picture of her on her tummy (the one up above) and all of a sudden she surprised me by rolling over!  She isn't a huge fan of tummy time and hasn't rolled a lot (never without us encouraging it and helping her to do so).  She did this roll all by herself and was really happy about it (well, probably because I was yelling "YAY!!!" and clapping)!  So glad I got to catch this adorable expression.