Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Pictures

We just recently had a family photo session with Kinsey (Kinsey Meredith Photography) at Bothell Landing which has a nice backdrop of the Sammamish River and a beautiful bridge walkway.  We were scheduled to do a shoot with her back in the spring but we found out we were expecting (SURPRISE!!) and wanted to wait and take some when baby boy could make a little (or in this case BIG) appearance in the pictures too.  Kinsey is one of our neighbors and is so very talented.  She will definitely be our family photographer for years to come!  She was so great to work with and got some really great shots of our growing family.  I love them all!!

We really lucked out because the forecast called for lightening and thunder...oh yeah, and don't forget to add some downpouring rain.  However, as we were driving over to the location the skies brightened up a bit and it stopped raining.  Phew!
It was a rough morning beforehand though...It's important to note that as we were getting ready, I got a call from my mom saying that my grandma was in the hospital and probably wasn't going to make it much longer.  Before we left I made a tearful phone call saying what I thought were our "goodbyes". *she's actually doing really great now and is holding on for a bit longer! yay!  And, okay... as petty as this may sound, I could not for the life of me get my hair straightener to work.  I plugged it into 3 different outlets and it would not turn on!!!  *funny how it worked the very next day when I had absolutely no need for it--grrrr!
So, needless to say, you can now understand why it was a little bit of a hectic morning and there may be some puffy eyes and poofy hair. ;-) 
Thank goodness Kinsey is so talented and made it such a great day for us!

Emmeline @ 14 months
Me @ 33 weeks pregnant
Aaron @ 31 years young ;-) ha!

Here are just a *few* of my favorites...

Checking out the ducks

Aw, baby brother.

OMG.  Such a sweet face!

This is what she does when she gets bashful around people.

(Kinsey--I swear you ENHANCED this one.  woah. hee hee)


Giving daddy a hug

My two loves.

Love this of me and my babies. :-)


Love these moments.  I never want to forget what these hugs feel like.

Goofy girl.

Wow.  A picture with his eyes open!

I love my family. :-))

Thank you, Kinsey!  Thank you for capturing our love and joy.  You gave us some beautiful moments frozen in time for us to cherish for years to come! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Heading to the pumpkins!

Emmeline thought the pumpkins were pretty cool.  She was banging on them like they were drums.

Scoping out all of the pumpkins, trying to find the best one (and cheapest! ha!)

Giddy up!