This year, the Rydecki gang headed out to Washington to spend some time with us over the holidays and to meet Mr. Judah Grey. It was great to see everyone and to have some help keeping Emmeline entertained while we adjusted to having a newborn. Emmeline loved having the company and attention...and, of course, everyone was fighting over time with her and her little brother. ;-) It's good to be LOVED!! We are fortunate to be able to spend quality time with each other every Christmas season.
Here are some snapshots from our time together...
Grandma and Grandpa Rydecki hanging out with the kiddos.
Grandpa Rydecki being silly!
Priceless."Shhhhh!!!" Something tells me that Jude will be saying this back to her one day in the near future.
Snuggle time with cousin Trey...
and cousin Ione
I think the bowtie might be a little tight?!...ha!...check out his spiked hairdo though! Too cute. He definitely has more hair than Emmeline ever did as a baby. I laughed every time I saw him in his tuxedo. He looks like such a little man!
I think he looks like Aaron when he cries...hee hee...
Setting up on Christmas Eve...
Christmas morning...
(daddy stayed up late to put together Emmeline's new kitchen from "Santa")
My favorite picture from that morning. She was so excited to see all of the gifts under the tree. She didn't have a desire to open them (well, atleast not right away...she definitely did after opening the first few). She just delicately took all of the bows off and on, stacked the gifts, rearranged them under the tree, etc. All the while she was saying "oooh!" and "wow!" Aaron even taught her to say "Ho, Ho, Ho!" when asked "What does Santa say?" Precious.
Checking out her cousins EXTRA LARGE stockings...good thing she is too young to request an upgrade! ha
(by the way...could there be a cuter rump out there???)
For some reason, Emmeline looks really grown up (to me) in the next two pictures. I think it is her precious hair (AKA mullet) flipping out from under her Santa hat. It looks like she has a little bob.
This picture cracks me up...the many faces of Emmeline!
This is the one picture I got of her checking out her kitchen. She was really more interested in all of the sparkly presents under the tree! We had to force her to go look at it (after trying to hint that it was there for awhile). We also had a minor setback when she tried to open the fridge door and the whole thing fell on top of her. Picture the witch from the Wizard of Oz with her feet sticking out from under the house. Yes, this happened. Poor thing. She was terrified of it all morning. It makes me giggle now though. (she LOVES playing with it now by the way--Thank God!). Aunt Megan. Aunt Jodi and Grandma Rydecki got her a ton of cool accessories to go with it too!
Jude taking in the Christmas spirit...
Riding a present...
Her expressions kill me.
Aaron's famous vegetarian 'sausage' and gravy breakfast that everyone loves.
Greyson loving on Jude...he was really good at holding and rocking the baby.
More snuggle time...
More took us literally ALL day to open all of her gifts from everyone. It was fun to watch her...cousin Greyson helped her open her gifts.
One of her favorite gifts...a little Curious George stuffed animal from Grammie R. She got SO excited!
Drum roll please...Aunt Meggie decided that Emmeline needed a Cozy Coupe car. She rolled it out with big red bows on it...and everyone pushed her around in it ALL day. I mean ALL day. And she took her books, sippy cup and George along for rides too. Can we say SPOILED??
MORE cuddle time...
Swimming (and napping) at the hotel pool
Proud Grandpa...a boy to carry on the Rydecki name!
Three generations of Rydecki boys
Playing cards with Uncle "Noooooel" (that's how she says it--it is adorable!)...she is still asking for him.:-(
My talented neighbor was nice enough to come snap some pictures of our family somewhat last minute...last year we didn't get any pictures with Noel (since he was in Germany and not in Michigan with the rest of us), so it was great to have the whole family together and to get a group shot this year. I'm also so glad she was able/willing to snap a few of the grandkids with grandparents, all of the grandkids/cousins together and of our new "foursome". :-) They turned out perfect.
The Rydecki gang (taken on our front porch and in front of our house--wouldn't it be funny to photoshop Edward and Jacob into the background?!)
Our little family (LOVE!!!!)...
My babies...
This is the best shot because you can see Jude's face even though Emmeline doesn't look too amused to be holding him. Ha! I just love his little face here though! I'm sure one day he will say, "Mom, why did you dress me in an oversized bear suit????" And I will reply, "Because it was cold outside and you looked cute in it (and we had nothing else to put you in while we took photos in the rain and cold-hee hee)...and you look cute no matter what you are wearing." ;-)
COUSINS!! LOVE, LOVE Greyson's face in these next two shots. Priceless.

The Tafel Family
My cutie pie nephews
Lovebirds. So cute!
The fam.
Aren't they cute?! One of my favorite shots of the day! He was probably grabbing her butt. ;-)
Extras of our "Little Big Man"