First trip to the library
Doing some light reading in preparation for December ;-)
Taking a break from exploring to enjoy a cucumber.
One of her favorite places to "play". She likes to pull the fruit out of the basket and flip through the cookbooks.
I have to remember every day to close the pantry doors! This is the first place she crawls to! I don't *think* she has actually eaten any dogfood...but I have fished many pieces out of her mouth. ha! Did I mention our new word is "Nononononononooooooooooooo"???? That translates as "no". Aaron likes to tell her, "No means no".
Her other favorite place to go is where all of the cool t.v. stuff is (remotes, dvd player, dvd's, cd's). We got our first battle wound the other day. She got her finger stuck in the dvd player. I of course thought she lost her finger. Just a little indentation and a TINY little drop of blood. Something tells me that this won't be the first or last "owie".
Swinging on a beautiful, sunny day!
Enjoying the view at the beach on a nice summer evening.
Emmeline had a good time watching the ducks walk in the sand and swim in the water.
Emmeline loves watching daddy run around and kick a soccer ball. She has so much fun with her da-da!
Bathtime is still Emmeline's favorite time of the day! Thank you Great Aunt Julie and Grandma Barbie for my new bath toys. :-)
This little stinker crawls around the tub like a mad woman and also is a dare devil and likes to stand up (holding onto the edge of tub).
Emmeline's first birthday party
Riding a tractor!!! ;-)