Things are getting a little messy over here as Emmeline tries new foods! She also gets very silly while eating (which daddy says she gets from me as I tend to get a little "energy buzz" after eating meals! ;-) ). She eats pretty much anything we are eating these days. We try to make sure she gets a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables as a foundation and then we let her try whatever we are eating. It is so fun to see her eat so independently. Her expressions and noises ("Mmmm") are priceless! We've been able to get some good, local produce from the farmer's market now that it is up and running and we look forward to more this summer! Lately we've been enjoying nectarines, peaches, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. Emmeline also likes tortellini and quinoa (pictured below). Yogurt is another favorite (either yobaby or mommy's greek yogurt). She tries to feed herself with the spoon which is very cute. Oh, and she loves daddy's cheesy egg scramble on the weekends. And, steel cut oats. The list goes on and on! Let me just say, it is a full time job cleaning up after each meal. ha!
We use the signs "more", "drink" and "all done". She picked up "all done" right away which was pretty impressive. Although she still finds it necessary sometimes to dump her bowl to show me she is all done. ha! Her first sign was "milk"...she stopped doing it for awhile but now she is back to signing it again and it is better than before!
Her new big girl cup from Grandma Barbie.
Breakfast with daddy on the weekend
Brunch with daddy on Father's day. Sharing a fruit plate.
love that girl!! How is mommy feeling??