Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 months old!

Judah Grey
Our baby boy is 4 months old!
Weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds 10 ounces, this chunkaroo is just a big ol' squishy teddy bear.  He is so, so lovable (and heavy. ha!).  I could squeeze him and kiss on those cheeks All. Day. Long. (while sitting down of course--hey, you try holding him all day long and see what it does to your back and arms! hee hee).  And those eyes...those precious grey blue eyes.  They get me every time!  He is just the sweetest.

Judah is really starting to interact with people, especially his big sister.  He just adores her!  He smiles a lot and has the sweetest giggle.  The other day, Emmeline was playing with him and they were giggling together.  It was so sweet to see.
Right now he really loves his jumping seat that hangs from the doorway frame.  He could bounce in that thing forever...of course I wouldn't let him because that would be bad parenting. ;-) Don't go calling CPS on me!

Jude is definitely a momma's boy already.  He prefers me to his daddy or anyone else. (okay, okay, this is not a problem...I secretly love this!)

Update on health:

We have an appointment with Seattle Children's Pulmonary Specialists on April 22nd.  Judah still has a cough but his wheeze has subsided for the most part.  He does still sound noisy (like a dog panting) while breathing but our doctor seemed to think that was all upper airway noise and not lung congestion/inflammation caused by the viral infection.  His breathing did sound better at our appointment this week when the doctor listened to it. yay!  Our doctor is thinking that Judah got RSV/bronchiolitis and then was hit with another bad virus before he could fully get well.  He does not think that it is asthma or allergy related.  Because Jude is so young, his body is just probably having a hard time fighting it off.  I hope that this is the case and that he gets better ASAP.  The good thing is that the weather is getting nicer and summer is almost here...isn't that when all the germs and viruses take a vacay??
Our pediatrician would still like us to see the Pulmonary doctor to make sure there isn't anything else going on (like some rare type of disease or illness).  There was one tiny indentation in his trachea on his xray that he mentioned that they will examine further.  It could be something that presented itself during the exhale/inhale (during the xray) and is totally normal, but they want to rule an abnormality out.   We went to Seattle Children's Radiology clinic last week and had an upper GI done to rule out acid reflux or any anatomical abnormalities.  I absolutely hated this experience and am still traumatized by it (even though the doctors and staff were awesome, it was not a very fun procedure for us)... the good news is that Jude checked out A-okay.  The doctor's commented that everything looked normal but that still doesn't rule out acid reflux 100%.
We are thankful that Judah does not seem to be affected by any of this...while he does have occasional (and typical) fussiness, Jude has really just continued to grow and develop in a normal manner.  This all could have been much worse had he not been such a trooper!  Thank God he is thriving and overall healthy.  My doctor gives credit to my high caloric "cream"-hee hee.  I am so grateful that I am able to provide him with the best nutrients and protection. 

Say a prayer that Jude gets well and stays well. :-)  thank you!

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