Montana Bound!

We decided to pack up the kids and take our first road trip (end of July-beginning of August). My Aunt and mom were flying out to Montana to do a "sibling reunion" at my Aunt and Uncle's new house in Missoula. The idea of traveling 7 hours with 2 kids under 2 was daunting but how could we not go see family when they would only be approximately 467 miles away?? We knew that it would be good for us and the kids to get away for a long weekend. We left after dinner, bath and pj time, in hopes that the kids would sleep as we drove through the night. For the most part, our plan worked. We did have to stop once so that Emmeline could go potty and so that I could nurse Jude (and get some gas). It was a really nice trip! My cousin, Jennifer, and her fiance, Ken, surpised us with a visit (they drove over from Bozeman for the weekend). We enjoyed a little adult time at a local brewery for a couple hours while my family watched the kids...we were so grateful for this time! This was the first time we have left the kids to do something like that--it felt refreshing. And, we knew they were in good hands (or atleast we didn't know any different--ha!!). We decided we need to start doing that once a month...while we enjoy spending as much time as we can as a family, it would be beneficial for us to have some date time too. It is just sooo hard for me. I know it will get easier as they get older.
Here are some pictures from our trip! We really had a great time eating, drinking and being merry...bedtime was a chore, with the kids being out of their element, but that is to be expected when traveling with little ones. Emmeline loved spending time with everyone and it was a special treat to have Aunt Julie, Jennifer/Ken and Grandma Barbie there for this trip. We were missing cousin Mackenzie...we got to talk to her on the phone (she was away on a special retreat--out doing field work), but it wasn't the same as having her around. :-(
My Aunt and Uncle's house is beautiful...the views are amazing...and we love their little town and farmers market. The beach we went to was a rugged little area along the river in Alberton Canyon (I believe that was the name?). We also took a mini hike/walk to check out some of the local berries (now that I think about it, we were perfect bear bait! ahhh!!!). Emmeline is obsessed with berry picking right now though since we have done some raspberry and blueberry picking this summer and her and daddy go in the neighborhood too.
Thanks for a great time, Montana! We will see you in November for Thanksgiving. :-)
Beach day...
Hiking and berry picking...
Views from their house...
Master patio view
Jude liked their pet fishies.
Oh man...I wish I could show you some of the video footage from this trip. Let's just say, you do NOT want to be the first to go to sleep in our family. You will get messed with...and it will be videotaped. Seriously, my mom and aunt could be internet sensations over night. ;-)
Here is Emmeline learning the ways of the fam...spraying grandma with a water bottle.

This is a picture I got while out with my cousin, her fiance and Aaron...the title said, "Get down on it!"...we paid our tab and got back right away. ;-) |
To market, to market...
Oh my heaven...a waffle breakfast sandwich. It was mine until Emmeline tried it and decided she wanted it. It was delicious!
you are one lucky family to be able to spend such quality time with family- especially when you live so far away - miss you!